Volunteer with OARRA

All hands on deck!

Are you interested in hands-on marine science fieldwork in Los Angeles and Orange County? Do you want to gain experience in the stranding field and contribute to marine wildlife research and response efforts? OARRA staff are recruiting new volunteers across all of our programs.

Volunteering with OARRA is an incredibly accessible and immersive way to participate in marine animal science at any level of experience. With orientations on the near horizon, it's a great time to come aboard and get started.

Apply below!

  • Formal study, certification, or experience in marine science is a perk, but not necessary for incoming volunteers. Volunteers will be trained for their roles during orientation and during assignments.

  • OARRA is looking to expand its core team of committed regular volunteers. However, while consistency and responsiveness is important to OARRA, there is currently no minimum shift requirement for OARRA volunteers. We hope to see you in the field as often as possible!

  • OARRA Mortality Program volunteers may be invited to scheduled necropsies, but the majority of our response calls must occur on short notice, e.g. same-day or the following morning. OARRA Survey & Monitoring trips and Outreach & Education events are scheduled for sign-ups well in advance of the dates. Other volunteer tasks (e.g. social media) may be conducted on a rolling, remote basis.